Includes downloadable version to play against a (very poor) CPU opponent so you can try out the game rules ahead of time!


A quick 2-player head to head hand management game pitting the best wizards, witches, and warlocks against each other. Are the elements in your favor? Player with the most points after all cards are played wins.

How to Play

  1. The active player may play any card from their hand to the center of the table.
  2. Compare the card being played to the card already on the table and score. The card already on the table becomes the “scored card”.
    1. Note: the first card played cannot be scored as there is no card already on the table.
  3. Place the “scored card” in the appropriate pile in front of the active player.
  4. The next player is now the active player.

1. If the card being played is the same type (i.e. fire, plant, or water) and of a higher value to the card on the table, place the card on the table in the active player's positive score pile.
2. If the card being played is the same type (i.e. fire, plant, or water) and of a lower value, place the card on the table in the active player's negative score pile.
3. If the card being played is of a more powerful type, regardless of value, place the card on the table in the active player's positive score pile.
4. If the card being played is of a less powerful type, regardless of value, place the card of the table in the active player's negative score pile.

Types: Fire > Plant > Water > Fire


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Counterspell Counterspell Rules and Cards.pdf 5.2 MB 15 MB

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