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Great. Just in case, the single page PDF is missing page 2 front. Thanks for this game!

Should be fixed now. Thanks!

This looks fun, sadly the last page in the PDF seems to have the margins wrong so I can't print it properly :(


Weird! Should be fixed now.

The game is delightful, and the addition of environments and trading is fun! (Personally, I'd love to see more environments that make the game harder!)

By the way: - the cards “questionable medkit” and “chemistry kit” both reference rolling 1d6 with a result either of “1, 2, or 3,” or “3, 4, or 6” – I assume that’s meant to be “4, 5, or 6”? 

 Also, I’m not sure if it's actually from this expansion, but:

- I’m a bit confused about the “used 3-star badge” description – wouldn’t putting a 3-star badge on a 2 star quest make it cost 1 more money to add a die to the roll? It says it makes it require 1 LESS money, but I’m not sure why.


Good call on the Chemistry kit! I'll update that and fix it.

As far as "used 3-star badge" theming -- it's meant to be like a badge you earned, like an achievement or like a merit badge. In the Patreon promos, there's a 3-star badge you earn by accomplishing certain things and you get to wear it/use it without it taking up inventory space. Pretend you saw someone with a "professionally trained" patch on their jacket, you may give them more credibility and willingness to listen.

Awesome, thanks!
Ooh, knowing there's an actual 3-star badge item makes that one easier to understand! The only things I'd seen with stars on them were the quests, so I got a bit confused.


so excited to add to my game play.  SO much fun!!